By the grace of God and with the blessings of our holy Father His Beatitude, Archbishop Markarios of Athens and all Greece, the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece commonly known as: ‘ΕΚΚΛΗΣΊΑ Γ.Ο.Χ ΕΛΛΆΔΑ’) has fully opened in Kinshasa the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo with the ordination of 1 Deacon and 2 priests as shown here below:

1. Rev. Fr. Patrick Mawete Luebe
2. Rev. Fr. Jean Manza
3. Rev. Deacon Alexander Pato
and several others have been received into the holy church waiting for ordination.
We ask the Holy Spirit to continue guiding them in their church.
Αχιοσ, Axios Axios,
With much love in Christ,
+ Archbishop Nektarios of Uganda and Exarch of East and Central Africa

On Friday May 11/24th 2024, being the feast Saints Kyril and Methodios ( teachers of the slavs), Stephen Mukindia Riungu was baptized in the holy orthodox church after having been catechized for a long period of time.
Stephen was raised and educated in the Roman Catholic Church, later professed and made his perpetual vows in the congregation of the Brothers of Christian instruction commonly known as the “La Mennais Brothers” founded in 1889 by Gabriel Deshayes and Jean-Marie dela Mennais.
Stephen brings to us a wealth of teaching experience and academic scholarship from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa ( A.M.E.C.E.A), where he earned his degree of Bachelor of Education in English literature ( 1st class honours). He is a brilliant educationist in the field of English literature who adds yet another majority perspective to our globally existing St. Nektarios Orthodox College and seminary.
Stephen’s deep wisdom and hard work will definitely contribute to the holy orthodox church of Uganda.
On behalf of the clergy, faithful, and monastics, I wish to congratulate Stephen Mukindia Riungu a blessed and joyful stay at the holy orthodox church of Uganda in full union with the mother church in Greece.
With every blessing
+ Archbishop Nektarios

By the grace of God, today, 23rd/5 May 2024, according to the Traditional Orthodox Calendar, His Eminence Archbishop Nektarios joined the rest of the world to celebrate the holy Pascha at Kanyogoga Mpongo in Mityana District.
Prio to the holy pascha celebrations, His Eminence emphasized to the newly baptized and chrismated orthodox christians to dedicate their lives to the risen loving Lord Jesus Christ.
Preaching to the hundreds of thousands, Vladyka Nektarios said, let none of us lose our boldness, nor neglect our duties, nor be afraid of the difficulties of spiritual struggle. For we have the risen God today as a helper, who strengthens us in the difficult path of virtue.”.
You did not become an Orthodox Christian to magically become holy overnight. You did not become an Orthodox Christian to quit struggling. We are here as Orthodox Christians who ask Christ to bless our struggle and mold us into His image, as we seek to enter into the victory over sin and death that He has already obtained for us through His death and resurrection!
It is your victory as an adopted child of God. Stretch out the hands of your heart to Christ and embrace all that He offers you. He will never leave you or abandon you because God is love and love never ever fails.
After the divine liturgy, His Eminence Vladyka Nektarios was given gifts by the Christians of St. Kosmas of Aitolia Buwala Bbanda-Busujju led by Mr. Anastasios (pasikaale).
Wishing you all a blessed paschal celebrations in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
● Christ is risen… truly is risen!
● Χριστός Ανέστη αληθώς ανέστη.


Sunday, April 28: Palm Sunday

  • 7:00am Orthros/Matins

9:30am Divine Liturgy

  • 5:00pm Service Of The Bridegroom

April 29 Holy Monday

  • 5:00pm, Service Of The Bridegroom

April 30, Holy Tuesday

  • 5:00pm Service Of The Bridegroom

May 1st: Holy Wednesday

  • 3:00 Pm Sacrament Of Holy Unction

May 2nd, Holy Thursday

  • 7:00am The Vespiral Liturgy Of St. Basil ( Pre Sanctified Liturgy)
  • 5:00pm, The Holy Passion Service (12 Gospels)

May 3rd, Holy Friday

  • 3:00pm Vespers; Descend From The Cross/ Apokathelosis
  • 6:30 Pm, Service Of Lamentations

May 4/5, Holy Saturday

  • 9:00am The Vesperal Liturgy Of St. Basil
  • 10:00am Baptisms And Chrismations


(Saturday Evening)

  • 11:00am, Vigil
  • 12:00 Midnight: Resurrection Service
  • 12:20am To 1:20am Divine Liturgy

May 5th, Holy Pascha

  • 10:00am Divine Liturgy
  • Agape At St. Kosmas Of Aitolia Buwala Bbanda-Busujju

May 6th, Bright Monday

Feast Of St. George, The Victorious 

  • 8:00am Orthros/Matins Followed By Divine Liturgy.

We Wish You All The Fruitful Celebrations

■ Christ Is Risen… Truly Is Risen

■ Χριστός Ανέστη: Αληθώς Ανέστη

On this 5th Sunday of lent, April 8th/21 2924, being the feast of St. Mary of Egypt at the end of Divine Liturgy, His Eminence Nektarios of Uganda, blessed his new car land cruiser prado and dedicated it for the service of various pastoral needs of the Diocese.

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