He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully… for God loves a cheerful giver ( 2 Cor. 9: 6-7)

The Holy Orthodox Church of Uganda is kindly requesting for your generous donation to further the vital ministry work of advancing and deepening the Orthodox Christian faith in Uganda and Africa as a whole.

You can be part of the Holy Orthodox Church of Uganda project and support the good work the Church is rendering to the people. No donation is small, we shall be very grateful for whatever support is extended to the Genuine Orthodox Church of Uganda. May God Bless you so much and reward you abundantly.

Transfering Money From Abroad To Our Correspondent Bank In Euros

Transfer To:

Standard Chartered Bank (Germany) GMBH

Formerly American Express Bank

D-60036 Frankfurt/Main Germany

Swift Code: SCBLDEFX

For Credit Traansfer To:

Diamond Trust Bank Uganda Limited


Final Beneficiary:

Account Number: 020987001

Accoutn Tittle: St. Nektarios Orthodox College and Seminary

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