His Grace, Savvas, Bishop of Cyclades, according to the world Nektarios Mastrogiannidis, was born in 1971 in Piraeus. Having completed his studies, he became a monk in 1989 in the monastery of Agia Skepi near Keratea, Attica. He was ordained a deacon in 1996 by the Metropolitan of Dodecanese Kallinikos. Ordained a priest in 1999 by the Metropolitan of Piraeus, Niphon. He served as Chancellor of the Holy Metropolis of Crete until 2005. His reverence holds a diploma in Byzantine Music, a graduate of the National Academy of Athens. Also, he attends the thematic Unit of Greek Culture at the Hellenic Open University. In the year 2014, he was elected and consecrated by His Beatitude the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Makarios and of the Holy Synod Bishop of the Diocese of Cyclades.
Feastday: December 5 – Saint Savvas the sanctified