Other Programs
The Orthodox Church Care and Vulnerable Program (OCCAVP)
This program provides for the education, health and welfare of Ugandan children, teens and young adults affected and infected by HIV/AIDS.
The OCCAVP was founded in 2020 and provides comprehensive support for orphans and vulnerable children. This includes:
- Education (Primary & Secondary School, Vocational & Business Training, Nursing School and University).
- School Fees and Supplies: lunch, uniforms, shoes, socks, books, scholastic materials.
- Health care.
- Additional support for families in great need: food, rent, clothing, bedding, mosquito nets and medical expenses.
The humanitarian programs of the Genuine Orthodox Church of Uganda have received wider recognition and appreciation by its partners, the Government and the community at large.
There are many factors that increase the urgency of the need in Uganda. Children under the age of 18 are 48% of the population. HIV/AIDS has been the most common cause of death for young adults since the late 1980s. 38% of the population lives below the poverty line.
We are driven by the biblical imperative to care for the least among us (Matt. 25:40) and to provide for “orphans and widows in their affliction.” (James 1:27)
In Christ Jesus,
+Bishop Nektarios
Orthodox Emergency Relief Fund
Uganda is currently facing the largest humanitarian crisis in the world due to the COVID-19 virus. Many people have been affected when the Government locked down the country to prevent the spread of COVID 19. COVID 19 has left millions of people in Uganda traumatized, leaving many people without employment, particularly in private sectors. The Genuine Orthodox Church of Uganda is well placed in providing food, water, sanitation, basic health care and psychosocial support. We are educating people about hand washing just as we did for Ebola. We have received 20 tons of maize flour and 500 masks to assist those affected. Prices for all items have risen and therefore, we count on you until this crisis abates. Without your immediate help we will be forced to help fewer people. Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2); The King will reply: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mathew 25:40) Ugandans are traumatized and more than ever need our support.
As we all walk through this trial together, please say a special prayer for Uganda!
Gratefully yours in Christ Jesus!
† Nektarios
Bishop of Kampala and Uganda
Genuine Orthodox Church of Uganda
P.O.BOX 74616
Clock Tower Kampala Uganda
Branch off Buwalula trading centre, Mount Sinai, Kawanga hill
Mityana-Kampala Road
Block 1, Plot No.1554
Telephone (Mobile): +256 779 768503
Telephone (Office): +256 434 660508