The Holy Orthodox Church of Uganda (Εκκλησια Γ.Ο.Χ ελλαδοσ)
Mount Sinai-Kawanga Hill
Kampala Mityana highway,
Branch off Buwalula trading centre,
P.O.BOX 74616,
Clock Tower, Kampala-Uganda East Africa

Rev. Fr. Spridon Kisomose
(Parish Priest)
Church of St. Basil the great,
P.O. BOX 74616
Clock Tower Kampala, Uganda, East Africa,
Ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 1/14 December 2020, on the commemoration of St. Philaret the alms giver.

Reverend Antonio Nzunza Hetuba Guelord (Aspirant) Orthodoxe Church of St. Michael the Archangel à Matadi Central province of Democratic Republic of Congo

Church of St. Magdalene (Kagango – Ibanda District)
Rev. Deacon Jonah (Mugarura) (Care Taker)
Ordained to the holy diaconate by Bishop Nektarios on 25 April/8 May 2022, on the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women.
Diakonissa Josephine (Charity)
Number of children: 3
Church of St. Magdalene
C/o The Holy Orthodox Church of Uganda
P.O. BOX 74616
Clock Tower Kampala, Uganda, East Africa

Church of St. Basil the Great (Kiboga District)
Rev. Fr. Spiridon Kisomose (Parish Priest)
Ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 1/14 December 2020, on the commemoration of St. Philaret the Almsgiver.
Presbytera Maria Rodha
Number of children: 10
Church of St. Basil the Great
C/o The Holy Orthodox Church of Uganda
P.O. BOX 74616
Clock Tower Kampala, Uganda, East Africa

Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos (Nakabango Jinja)
Rev. Fr. Demetrius (Kisiibo) Parish Priest
Ordained to the holy priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 13/26th November 2023; on the commemoration of St. John Chrysostom.
Presbytera Elizabeth
Number of Children: 4
Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos
C/o The Holy Orthodox Church of Uganda
P.O. BOX 74616
Clock Tower Kampala, Uganda, East Africa

Church of Saints Constantine and Helen (Nsinze – Busembatya District)

Rev. Fr. Noah Kasule Pasha (Parish Priest)
Ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Nektarios on 1/14 February 2021, on the Prefestival of the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple.
Presbytera Beatrice Kalembe
Number of children: 8
Church of Saints Constantine and Helen
C/o The Holy Orthodox Church of Uganda
P.O. BOX 74616
Clock Tower Kampala, Uganda, East Africa

Abbess Euphrosyne (Schema-Nun)
Tonsured into the Great and Angelic Schema by Bishop Nektarios on 11/24 October 2021, the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council, and the commemoration of the Apostle Philip of the Seventy.His Eminence, Right Rev. Nektarios (Bishop)

Rev. Mother Stephanie (Schema-Nun)
Tonsured into the Great and Angelic Schema by Bishop Nektarios on 11/24 October 2021, the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council, and the commemoration of the Apostle Philip of the Seventy.

Rev. Fr. Jean théologue manza
Church of St.Cypirian and Justine
block 4 numéro 4 . Quartier nzeza landu commune de kisenso
Telephone: +243 907676840

Rev. Fr. Mawete luebe Patrick
Church of St. Catherine, on 29 avenue yamfu, quartier Abattoir petro_congo
Telephone +243 972951895 Email : orthodoxerevival@gmail.com

Rev. Ignatios menavuvu mayimona
Church of St. Mary Theotokos on the avenue of Inga ,n°7 bus, quartier maviokele, dans la commune de kimbanseke,
Telephone: +243 898179450,
Email : orthodoxe church @.gmail.com

Rev. Deacon Alexander Kpadjanga Pato
Bloc 3, No 3, Avenue DE LA SCIENCE, Quartier HAUT COMMANDEMENT, Commune de la GOMBE, Ville de KINSHASA, RDC

Rev. Gabriel Kabuya

FDr. Andrews (Kwaghnzula Aondonyerga

Fr. Paul (Etonga Mennye) Parish of St. Andrews Obala

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