St. Gregory Palamas orthodox schools, provide welcoming and engaging environment where students can develop skills that will set them up for a life time of success.
Learn more about the school admission process:
The following original documents for your child are required upon registration:
Birth certificate,
Baptismal orthodox certificate
4 passport photographs
2 proof of address and parents documentation
School Requirements
General requirements for all new entrants
Interview and registration fee- 250,000/=($10)
Parents and child’s passport photos – 2 photos each
Fees Structure
CLASS | DAY UGX | USD $ | Boarding UGX | USD $ |
NURSERY | 200,000/= | $ 60 | 500,000/= | $ 150 |
P.1-5 | 200,000/= | $ 60 | 500,000/= | $ 150 |
Other fees:
Other Fees | UGX | USD |
Church Fees | 25000/= | $ 10 |
Development Fees | 10,000/= | $ 4 |
Uniform | 180,000/= | $ 58 |
Medical Fees | 10,000/= | $ 4 |
- All Uniforms are bought from school
- Boarding requirements
- A mattress and a blanket
- A towel and 2 bathing sponges
- 2 pair of bed sheets (colored) and 2 night wears
- A tin of black Kiwi shoe polish (family size) and 1 shoe brush
- A pair of black publishable shoes
- 1 tube of medium tooth paste and 3 tooth brushes
- 3 bars of white star washing soap (1kg)
- 1 tin of Vaseline (medium size)
- 3 tablets of medicated bathing soap/ anti bacterial bathing soap
- 4 underpants for boys, and 6 knickers for girls
- Rubber shoes, slippers and white canvas shoes
- School bag
- Mosquito net
- 3 packets of sanitary pads for girls (only those who need them)
- A jerry can 10 litters
- 3 hand kerchiefs
- A torch with batteries
- A comb
- Tin of 500 washing powder
- A bucket/ basin blue for boys and red for girls
- Mackintosh for those who wet on beds
- Warm black jacket for preps
- 4 kilograms of sugar
- Maintenance fees( hair cutting/shaving) 5000/= ( $ 3)
NB Parents are reminded to mark their children’s property before bringing them to school, the school will not be held responsible for the loss of any property that is not marked.
- Exercise books bought at school at ( 20000/=) or $ 10
- 10 toilet paper rolls (small size)
- 1 packet of Nataj colored pencils ( strictly Nursery to P.2)
- 1 big rubber
- 1 handwriting book bought from school at 3000/= Nursery to P.4
- 1 Spring file blue color
- 1 art book/ drawing book small size for Nursery only
- 1 clear bag
- 4 manila cards and 4 markers ( snowman strictly)
- Holiday package for Nursery 5000/=; P.1-2 6000/=; P3 – 5 7000/=
- A big ballpoint pens (blue) for P.3 -5
- A Geometry set P.-P5
N.B All requirements should be brought on the reporting day to school
May God Bless you
Nakiryowa Sarah
Head Teacher
Contact Head Teacher on: +256434660508; +256706690336; +2567823131119; +256200917173; +256200919092